One of the priorities most businesses should have is to create a safe environment where everyone can perform their daily activities. Unfortunately, even the safest spaces can lead to occupational injuries.
Depending on what caused the injury, the victim may be able to seek compensation. Many of these injuries can affect the person's work and life. In severe accidents, the worker can even end up with permanent disabilities.
Understanding what the most common injuries in the workplace are is a great step to take toward seeking justice. Those interested in taking legal action should learn as much as possible about the topic to build a solid case.
This page covers the most common injuries for a workplace accident, as well as how to avoid them. Our team can also advise on common injuries for a dog bite.

What Are the Most Common Workplace Injuries?
Creating a safe environment for office workers has many benefits. Not only does it protect people from potential injuries, but it also saves the company money, promotes better productivity, and boosts morale.
As mentioned previously, though, some factors may create the ideal scenario for workplace injuries. Below is an overview of the most common ones:
Overexertion injuries are among the most common ones. These are also known as "repetitive motion injuries," and they're common in people who have to do the same task for long hours every day.
Without proper measures, the person can develop cumulative trauma disorders, such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis. Those who lift heavy objects throughout the day may also experience back strain, which can lead to severe consequences if the problem isn't dealt with right away.
Slip and Fall Injuries
Slip and fall accidents are also common, and unfortunately, they lead to much worse consequences compared to other injuries on the list.
When someone falls from a high area, they can experience many consequences like:
Broken bones
Traumatic brain injuries
Spinal cord injuries
Cuts and lacerations
People can fall from many places, including:
Aerial lifts
Telephone poles
Those who work in high areas should get the right safety equipment to prevent fatal consequences. If the victim didn't get enough resources to protect themselves, they may hold someone else liable for what happened to them. For more information, the best workers comp lawyer in Des Moines may be able to help.
These injuries occur when people work in hazardous areas that include exposed power lines, extension cords, and other places without the right protection. People working in restaurants, for example, can experience severe burns if they don't have enough protective equipment.
Many other industries have exposure to burn and electrocution risks, including:
Oil rigs
Everyone must take proper precautions when working with electrical equipment or near a hazardous area. If they still get injured after following all safety guidelines, they may have to take legal action.
Lacerations happen when a person gets cut or punctured by instruments, office tools, or machines. They're common in environments where there are not enough safety procedures implemented.
Those who work with knives in restaurants, for example, must follow proper training to ensure they don't get involved in a serious accident. The same goes for any other industry using sharp or dangerous equipment.
Transportation Incidents
Also known as "motor vehicle accidents," they're common for those who transport goods or make deliveries. There's an extra risk of getting involved in a transportation incident if the person is responsible for transporting dangerous cargo, such as a flammable substance.
Ideally, all workers operating motor vehicles should get proper training. Also, the owner of the company should keep every piece of equipment in good working order. Wearing personal protective equipment is also a great idea to consider.
Struck/Crush Injuries
These injuries are devastating and can cause long-lasting consequences for the victim. As the name implies, a crush injury happens when a body part is compressed or trapped between two or more objects.
When there's enough force applied, the accident can cause damage to a person's skin, bones, muscles, and nerves.
Getting struck by something can also cause a wide variety of consequences. A person can get struck by a stationary object. This is common in areas with poor lighting or a lack of safety signals.
People can also get struck by moving objects, such as machines or trucks. This event can lead to broken bones and even temporary/permanent paralysis. In fatal scenarios, the accident can lead to the person's death.
Physical Violence and Harassment
It may not seem like it, but workplace violence is a common source of injuries in an office. OSHA states that workplace violence is any threat of harassment, physical violence, intimidation, or any threatening act that happens at the work site.
Workplace violence may include verbal threats, physical assaults, and more. Those who work in isolated locations or at late hours may be more exposed to this kind of violence. People who work making deliveries or in customer service may also experience some sort of violence at some point during their shift.
These cases tend to be complicated to manage, as they're not as straightforward as the other types of accidents all the time. By hiring an expert attorney, victims may create a much better plan to address their physical and mental injuries.
Can Workers Recover Damages for the Injuries Suffered?
Most people can recover damages from the most common workplace injuries through a workers' compensation claim. It gives benefits to employees who have been injured or become ill at work.
In some cases, however, it may not be clear who was liable for the accident. Hiring a lawyer ensures the victim knows which steps to take to earn as much compensation as possible. Compensation may cover:
Medical bills
Therapy expenses
Lost wages
Loss of future earning capacity
Pain and suffering
Wrongful death expenses (funeral and burial costs)

Bottom Line - Contact an Attorney to Seek Justice for What Happened
Preventing serious injuries in the workplace isn't as hard as it seems. Business owners must promote a better safety culture to ensure they're protecting all the people involved with the company.
By improving safety conditions, providing people with the right equipment, and promoting education throughout the workspace, workers will be able to avoid most of the injuries mentioned on this page.
Those who get involved in a workplace accident, however, deserve to get justice for what happened. Victims can request a free consultation from the team at Tom Fowler Law today and learn more about their future lawsuit.