Some injuries that bicycle riders experience have nothing to do with external factors. Overuse injuries come to mind here. These may result in back pain, knee pain, foot pain, etc. However, when a bike accident is at play, there will often be more severe trauma that occurs.
Unlike drivers of motor vehicles who gain a measure of protection from being in an enclosed structure, a rider is completely exposed, meaning that direct damage will be dealt in any circumstance that involves hard impact.
This leads riders to suffer injuries that could lead to internal bleeding, traumatic brain injury, and more. Of course, the quality of life that affected persons may experience will often be drastically lower than their norm. The same can be true with common injuries in a motorcycle accident.
Below is a look at some of the injuries that can occur, as well as what can be done to get a measure of compensation for them.

Why Might Bicycle Accident Injuries Occur?
There is no singular reason why there may be a bicycle crash. Sometimes, it is just a matter of positioning or inclement weather conditions. Multiple circumstances may be at play that happen to come together to cause the perfect storm for an injury. For more information, our personal injury attorneys in Des Moines may be able to help. Here is a look at some of the typical reasons:
Collisions - Crashes with vehicles or other cyclists will often be the catalyst for injuries. On the one hand, the result could be nothing but a minor cut. On the other hand, there could be permanent cognitive impairment at play.
Unsafe road conditions - Sometimes, the road is not as well maintained as it should be, and this means that riders will find themselves having accidents because there is simply a lack of stability. This could be because of potholes, loose gravel, etc.
Weather conditions - Adverse weather will sometimes be the reason for these kinds of accidents. For example, a wet road will often not be conducive to riding. This is especially true when the road is sloped.
What Are Some of the Common Cycling Injuries?
Road Rash
Road rash is an abrasion that is the result of the skin being dragged across the pavement after an accident. While it can be mild, sometimes it falls under the category of a serious injury. The effect on the rider will depend on the amount of force that was exerted to cause the accident, as well as the extent to which the skin made contact with the pavement.
Superficial wounds from road rash are fairly easy to treat. However, the more concerning version occurs when the wound is deep, and nerve endings may have been damaged from exposure. Foreign objects can then come into contact with the wound, which introduces the possibility of infection.
Head Injuries
These are some of the most significantly concerning injuries for riders. It is one of the reasons why bicycle helmets are pushed so heavily. As indicated before, depending on the extent of such an injury, there may be life-altering results.
Many head injuries will follow some form of blunt force trauma that occurred during the accident. Some of the problems affected parties will face include:
Skull fractures
Facial injuries
Traumatic brain injuries
Dental injuries
Worse even, some of these problems are not characterized by any early signs, which can lead to the belief that all is well. Of course, by the time they are diagnosed, they may be in an advanced state.
Spinal Cord Injuries
The spinal cord is one of the most important elements of the human body. It is a key player in movement and the ability to feel. Depending on the level of impact, injuries may present nothing more than neck or back pain. Even these can be problematic when they become chronic.
Potential paralysis is even more concerning. Following a bicycle accident, a victim may simply not be able to move one or more limbs. This partial or total paralysis can be temporary or permanent. The effects will depend on whether there is a disc issue or musculoskeletal trauma at play.
Leg Injuries
Since bicycle riders tend to have their legs exposed, it stands to reason that they will often take lower limb damage when an accident occurs. Again, these issues are not always severe. There may be small cuts or some mild pain.
When they are severe, there may be deep lacerations, amputations, broken bones, etc. Depending on the severity of the injury, the victim may find that they lose the ability to walk temporarily or permanently.
Risk Prevention for Bicycle Riders
It is not possible to account for every single way an accident could happen and prevent it. However, there are things that bicycle riders can do to enhance their safety. Additionally, they can reduce the amount of damage that they may take if a crash should occur. Some of the recommendations are:
Protective equipment - Wearing a helmet, adequate padding, and cycling shoes can be very helpful in offering a measure of safety that could make the difference between life and death.
Weather monitoring - If riding in bad weather is avoidable, every attempt should be made to do so, as this can prevent accidents that are caused by bad conditions.
Safe and defensive riding - Riding at a safe and controllable speed makes it much easier to respond when potentially dangerous situations are observed. In the same breath, it is recommended to pay keen attention to surrounding cyclists, vehicles, or pedestrians, so adjustments can be made where necessary.
Are Moderate and Severe Injuries Compensated Differently?
Compensation will depend on the injuries sustained and the various effects that an accident has. Therefore, settlements are not necessarily only awarded to those who suffer severe injuries. Some damages, such as mental anguish, are not felt physically, yet they are still accounted for.

When Is Medical Treatment Necessary for Bicycle Injuries?
Victims should seek medical attention immediately, even if they feel fine after an accident. Remember that not all injuries reveal how dangerous they are at the onset. Additionally, choosing to forego medical treatment can jeopardize the chances of successfully filing an injury claim. This can also be seen with common injuries in a pedestrian accident.
Schedule a Free Consultation with an Experienced Bicycle Accident Lawyer in Iowa Today!
If you were injured during a bicycle accident because of someone else's negligence, you may be entitled to compensation! Schedule a free consultation today with a legal professional at Tom Fowler Law.