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When Should You Get a Lawyer for a Car Accident?

Car accidents in Des Moines, IA can be devastating mentally and physically for the victim. Depending on the severity of the injury, the victim may need compensation for all the damages caused, and getting a Des Moines auto accident attorney might be the best way to achieve a proper settlement.

It’s important to note that a car accident may leave the person physically or mentally impaired to represent themselves in a personal injury case. Additionally, several factors must be addressed to get satisfactory results, such as who was at fault, how much can be considered fair compensation, and others.

When To Hire An Attorney

Which Car Accidents in Des Moines, IA May Not Require an Attorney?

In some cases, some car accidents in Des Moines, IA are not that severe, so hiring an attorney to settle a personal injury case may not be such a sensible choice. Typically, the victim’s goal after suffering an accident is to get enough compensation and some extra money to get their life back up.

For example, if the person sustained minor injuries, such as whiplash, or the injury didn’t require any extra expenses such as visits to a specialist, hiring a lawyer may not be worth the person’s time unless they’re positive the lawyer can negotiate fair compensation.

While these are hypothetical cases, the best choice to take is to consult with the lawyer before making any decisions. The lawyer has enough knowledge to determine whether the victim should file a claim with them or follow another route. It’s also important to note that if the injury was minor, but the victim needed some kind of physical therapy or special treatment, hiring a lawyer can be the best way to go.

In Which Cases is Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer a Good Idea? 

Overall, a lawyer can help the victim negotiate a fairer settlement for the damages caused by the accident. Regardless of the injury type, it’s recommended to ask for a lawyer’s opinion on the subject before making any decisions.

Here is a list of common reasons why someone can benefit from hiring a lawyer after car accidents in Des Moines, IA:

The Severity of the Injury

Serious injuries tend to increase the potential amount of money the victim can get in compensation. Overall, any injury that causes any kind of severe or chronic pain requires a personal injury lawyer to negotiate fair compensation with the insurance company.

In other cases, the victim may be unsure about the injury’s severity. A lawyer can help the victim seek appropriate specialists, get the right treatment, and prove liability from the insurance company, which increases the chances of getting compensation.

Lost Wages

Some car accidents in Des Moines, IA, may cause the victim to lose a significant number of days at work, which translates to lost wages. Getting a lawyer to assess the case can help the victim get compensation for all the missed working days since some insurance companies tend to ignore that factor in their compensation offer.

Insurance Company Problems

In most cases, it’s the victim vs. the insurance company, not the victim vs. the negligent party. It’s important to note that the insurance company may do everything in its power to settle for a lower compensation amount, which doesn’t benefit the victim.

Sometimes, the insurance company may claim that the victim didn’t report the injury on time to undermine their fault. In other cases, the company may not even take the injury as seriously as the victim does. 

A lawyer always has the victim’s best interest at heart, which is why hiring one can be the best way to fight the insurance company for appropriate compensation for damages.

What A Car Accident Lawyer Can Do

What Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Do for You?

Car accidents in Des Moines, IA, typically induce a significant amount of stress for the victim. Engaging in all the work that comes with personal injury cases may cause even higher stress, which is not recommended for the victim. 

A personal injury lawyer can walk the victim through all the steps of the case, including gathering evidence, seeking the right medical help, and building a strong case against the insurance company. 

Overall, having a lawyer can ease the process for the victim, which is great news if they’re recovering from severe injuries.

Bottom Line

Many car accidents happen in Iowa each year. In 2020, there were approximately 338 traffic fatalities in the state, meaning the risks of suffering fatal injuries are high for people who tend to be on the road.

Whether the victim’s injury was mild or severe, hiring a lawyer can be the best way to go since they can walk them through the entire process and help them gain proper compensation from the insurance company.

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